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19 157 kr inkl. mva.

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Produktnummer: 180SMT Alternativt varenummer: 10217 GTIN: 6970456092437 Kategori:

Skymax Maksutov Cassegrain er kompakte teleskoper  som er lett å transportere og med sin hendige størrelse lett å bruke.

Kombinasjonen linse og speil gjør at de har lang brennvide tross sin korte fysiske størrelse. Maksutov Cassegrain har optisk høy kvalitet med skarpt bilde og høy kontrast. De har multicoatede linser for best mulig lystransmisjon. Med sin høye brennvidde er de ypperlig til obesrvasjoner på måne og planeter.



  • Magnifications with eyepieces supplied: x96
  • Highest Practical Power (Potential): x540
  • Diameter of Primary Mirror: 180mm
  • Telescope Focal Length: 2700mm (f/15)
  • Eyepieces Supplied (2”): 28mm
  • 9×50 Finderscope & Bracket
  • 2”/50.8mm Star Diagonal
  • Dovetail Mounting Bar



Ade Ashford Says…
«For the ultimate Maksutov-Cassegrain experience, look no further than the SKYMAX-PRO range. Apart from their striking livery, selected models in this series use high-index Schott glass to deliver high power capability with a heightened degree of colour correction. For high-resolution lunar and planetary imaging, these optical tubes deliver stunning performance for the money.»

Ade Ashford BSc


“Great package for the price…The telescope optics are fully multicoated and the secondary mirror obstructs just 26 per cent of the primary diameter, making it good for planetary imaging. Testing the optics showed excellent correction and contrast; results that were backed up by our observations of a variety of celestial objects. Views of Saturn during a night of superb seeing were excellent – we could clearly see the Cassini Division in the rings and the planet’s equatorial band. Contrast on the Moon was very high and it split the stars of the ‘Double-Double’ very cleanly.”

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